
Mystery Light

Seems High End Systems is trying to generate some buzz factor by slowly leaking out information about their first new moving yoke fixture in years (not counting the "digital lights" they've been creaming themselves over). Showgun is either HES's code name for the light or the actual release name (my guess is the latter). Anyone know more? You can view two impressive videos of the light at: http://www.highend.com/hesdirect/showgun/ and http://creative.highend.com/showgun/

It appears to be a light aimed at creating very bright aerial graphics with the added cool-factor of a ring of LEDs around the main lens. From the video it appears to technically be a wash light, though with a very narrow beam and some simple gobo capabilities. The second video includes shootout between the Showgun and a Studio Spot 575, and quite obviously the Showgun puts its older brother to shame given it's 2kw source.

1 comment:

E.Schultz said...

bla bla bla
