
1 out of 3 Ain't Bad

I get to recue How the Other Half Loves todaybecause of the electrical storm we had yesterday. For most of the day we were down to one phase of our three phase power. We got the rest back just in time to run the preview, only to discover that two of the four dimmers are seriously pissed off. After some repatching we at least had a show with frontlight. I'm more over than I can tell you. And that's before we lost a phase again during a second lightning storm at the end of the show.

To make it worse the important phone call I alluded to earlier got pushed back some indefinite length of time... sad. Starting to wonder if it might not actually happen. Today's agenda includes bringing the two cranky dimmers in for diagnostics/repair and recueing the show collapsed into two dimmers. Where's the booze?

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