
We'll Fix it in Post

Today begins the TV Workshop-- an interesting but weekend absorbing master class in television lighting. I'm looking forward to learning something of the craft... and craft services (I know, awesome segue).

More signifigantly this officially begins my month of hell, as far as scheduling goes anyway. There's some fun in there-- California and LDI, but the hecticness will not end until then. Add to that extraneous stressors (people paying close attention know what I'm talking about here) and life's a little crazy for a bit. Partly because of this, and partly because I'm retarded, yesterday I dropped the first class I've ever dropped... seriously, ever. It does NOT make me happy to have done this, but the subject matter is far from what I excel in and I do not want to deal with the ramifications of struggling to get my grade up to where it needs to be right now. Its funny that the first "C" I ever would have gotten would come in the only place where that's a failing grade.

1 comment:

Jules C. said...

It will be ok... I love getting C's....