
A Summer in Ohio

without cable, hot water, Vietnamese food....

Ok, it actually seems pretty good so far for my first (and likely only) summer stock experience, and truthfully I was a lot closer to Ohio in Pittsburgh than here. Apartment is very nice, though came sans-shower curtain (figure that one out). We've got a porch up on the third floor, so we've got a really cool view and a great place to chill. I'll see the theater for the first time tonight at a dinner provided by the "Guild" AKA a group of old people with nothing better to do than raise money for our theater. First production meeting is in, oh, 2 hours... fun, fun.

Syracuse U's design showcase is today... goodluck everybody! In other news, I just found out a friend will be back up here for Memorial Day weekend. Some fun Ithaca-ing will be a blast.

At some point I'll post the obligatory "to return to grad school or not" entry, but for now I'm enjoying not thinking about it.

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