My wi-fi connection with a house 70 yards away has begun acting up pretty severely. That far away I wasn't expecting much, like when it cut out any time the humidity got over 80%, THAT I could handle. But now it seems to be on some sort of solar calendar. I'm bloggin to the tune of 4 out of 5 bars right now, yet anytime after say 8pm I'm down to one, last night I had barely a bar and not sustained enough to actually connect to any websites. Sad.
Its times like these that remind you how addicted you are to the internet. I feel naked without my thrice daily email checks-- like the world is passing me by. (Hmmm, two metaphors in one sentence... I'll make sure that doesn't happen again.) I didn't even have the internet at home until 8th grade, yet here, 9 years later I'm enslaved to it. Perhaps the Matrix scenario isn't that far off, except we're all willingly committing ourselves to it. But back to reality, I guess I'll just have to cram my entire internet fix into the morning and sulk all day.
There's only one solution to a cable tv-less, internetless existence. Drink! So last night I played kings with the folks downstairs-- hey, I had to do something to pass the time.