

Soon these letters will be gone-- and so will I.

This stop in Cali has been important for many reasons. One of which, of course, is the almost certainty that I will be returning here in a year or so.

But even as that seems like more of a likelihood, the person who arrives here next time will certainly be different than the person who drove across the border last February.

The time here has made me a lot more confident, washed away a lot of bitterness from my first year at grad school, and has encouraged me to explore things outside my comfort zone. In fact, I will spend most of my thesis year discovering if lighting design is what I truly want to do, as I have a growing interest in being a full out Imagineer.

Time will tell, and it may be a long strange trip, but it will be fun.

Speaking of which. the trip back east begins Sunday (I hope), tentative itinerary:

San Fran --> Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City --> Kearney, Nebraska
Nebraska --> Chicago
Chicago --> Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh --> Massachusetts

Its very much the same trek that I took out here. As much as I'd like to explore a different route, there's something special waiting for me at the other end, and not much time to get there.

1 comment:

E.Schultz said...

I'm so sad my poor ass could not stay employed for a summer so I could afford to visit you. Truly terrible. Please lets see each other on the east coast soon!!!!!!