
Jeremy Bentham, AKA Sequences

  1. Ok, so the LOST finale was signifigantly better on the second viewing. (I think I'm just irritated with how the promos for the episodes are so misleading)
  2. I am peeling like a mother fucker after spending all that time in Vegas by the pool and going to the beach yesterday.
  3. Today was immensely productive for a project I'm thinking of working on next semester.
  4. I hate facebook's new IM feature.
  5. New pics of Cali, including my bike commute are on facebook. Please ignore the really fat-looking pictures of me from Vegas.
  6. The movie Once is great, I highly reccommend it. Just don't cry like Leah did. It's completely un-cry-worthy.
  7. Im gonna try really hard to give a complete report of my time in Vegas really soon.
  8. Clever Theme Park Article of the Day -- Going Through a Phase(s)

1 comment:

lpettis said...

I am totally going to kick your ass for that