

  1. Song for Today: Josh Music >> Winter '07 >> Track 6
  2. Mini-accomplishment for Today: Got my first call directly to my extension, to talk about DMX and Ethernet layouts for a project (Got my business cards last week)
  3. Game for Today: Red Sox defeat Atheletics to start 2008 season. Repeats anyone?
  4. News item for Today: the ACLU is preparing to sue the city of San Francisco, for not releasing the route of the Olympic torch in an effort to thwart protests along the route
  5. Theme park news for Today: Screamscape reports that SeaWorld has just trademarked the name "Lost Cay".... hmmm.... I wonder what that could be for?
  6. Return or Not-Return Sentiment for Today: Return

... ok, that last one was meant as a joke.

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