

Where Have You Been? Why, spending all my free time learning the massive program that is WYSIWYG. Sorry to any blog faithful who have been deeply saddened by the recent dearth of entries (I know, who am I kidding right?). But I am happy o report that it's been worth it to get my head around this program and get a jump on school as we're learning a different lighting pre-vis program this semester (ESP Vision for the light geeks out there) and I've gained an important job skill. Here are some quick renderings I've done (note that because I'm using a demo copy, they're not as photo realistic as they would normally be).

PS> No one tell Alex Koziara or the Thematics people that the lightbox is now totally and unquestionable antiquated. It's like someone invented the typewriter 2 years before Windows came out.

In other news I had a great year at camp... almost certainly my last. I announced my retirement before the last performance of the Shakespeare camp and got a big hug from all the kids. I, of course, was a big friggin girl about the whole thing, but it's sad to know I have to move on from a job that's been so much fun and so rewarding for the last four years.

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