
Another step

A pretty big step in my life was taken today... Let's see where this takes me.

What Do I mean?... details to come.


Times Like These

I'm sitting at the "Presidential" car wash on Magnolia waiting for my Mazda3. Something I've done many times before, but this time is different... This is the last time the 3 and I will be here together. In a couple hours I'll be picking up my new car and dropping my sturdy friend off at Carmax, where hopefully she'll find a good home.

We've been through a lot together, this car and I... I still remember that inaugural drive off from the dealership with my very first new car: hanging with Kristie W. blaring tunes out of the sound system.

Day she got her Cali Plates

This girls been with me through good times and bad, from a tough first year at grad school to many great Santa Barbara trips and that first drive-on to backstage at Disneyland.

Kenosha, WI on route to San Fran...

She had a little trouble with the snow and cold the night before

A little less than 2 years ago we arrived in LA together ready to start real life. We've actually been cross country 3 times, to San Fran and back before coming out here.


She's been a great car. Here's hoping her next owner is good to her, and cheers to our ongoing adventures.

Arrival in California

Thanks for the journey old friend. Every time I see a black 3 drive by, I'll wave hello.


Damn! 2 Years already...

It's pushing up on 2 years that I've been in LA and I absolutely have not looked back. (I have to admit to not remembering the exact date I first drove out here, but I believe the "West Coast Showcase" started for me on April 30th... But this coming weekend this year's CMU graduates are coming out here, so it hits me a little bit).

LA has been good to me these past two years and some things I never would have imagined have happened, including my brother and Jake moving out here... and possibly Josh sometime in the near future as well. I've developed a social network out here that is a really important part of my life -- great friends and family to share things with. Yesterday for Easter a bunch of us had brunch at my place before heading down the road to Universal Studios Hollywood for the afternoon. A very good day.

I also went to my first Dodgers game last week and had a blast. (They, upon winning, played good ol' Randy Newman's I Love LA... perfectly fitting :-)

So here's to the next to years in LA LA LAnd... if they're anything like the first it'll be a blast!

PS> I realize I pretty much abandoned this blog for damn near 6 months... so not sure how many of you are still out there. I'll try to get back in the habit of posting important / cool random things more often.