
Reservations with no Reservations

Just booked a trip to Vegas... which I was really over for a while but am ready to go back... for a conference and my buddy's B-day.

I've been looking over restaurants I've missed and am looking forward to revisiting (though sadly they're no new shows to see).

Super excited!

Strange Bedfellows

And I thought it was weird when Terminator found its way into two competing theme parks... things are about to get interesting in the world of theme park intellectual property...

"Universal's contracts apparently gives it exclusive U.S. rights east of the Mississippi River for theme-park attractions built around certain of those characters, notably Spider-Man, the Incredible Hulk, X-Men and Dr. Doom.."

So at least as far as the Orlando theme park megaplex is concerned, there appears to be little to worry about. But, ssshhhhh, don't tell the foaming fan-bois.



waiting for the roomies to get home... Leah would be proud ;-)




It's going to be a very big week, lots of important things happening in the next couple days that will have a very large impact on my future immediate and otherwise. The week starts early too... at about 12:30am on Monday morning.

Wicked excited.


Sad Summer

Today, as the busy summer theme park season approaches a close, yet another cast member was claimed in the line of duty. It has been a tragic season in the industry that I hold so dear-- and not just for Disney, but (sadly) for the other companies in the industry as well....

some people do things for money, others for prestige, others out of necessity, but for someone who for long has dreamed of doing what he loves, to hear of like others whose lives are claimed while doing that very thing... it is a hard, sad thing to comprehend.

Let's hope that its the law of averages raising its ugly hand and this is the last such story in a long, long time.



You may know what you want,
But to get what you need
Better see that you keep what you have

--Into The Woods


Cash for Calories

Check out the price of a Coke, then the price of a Diet Coke. Oh San